Get Involved

Legal support for Creatives, Artists, and Innovators.

Get involved

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Be an advocate in your everyday conversations

Help people to understand that Traveller communities are as diverse as any group, face significant challenges, and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

networking or accessing training

We love to hear from professionals or organisations that already work with Traveller communities and/or those who may want to access our training in this area.

For more information:

t: 01491 756 130


Contributing financially

Funding our work is challenging because of the prejudice against Travellers. If you would like to make a donation please get in touch or CLICK HERE to donate online.

Fundraising support

We would be glad to hear from anyone who would like to consider fundraising for us either through an activity, event or helping with grant applications.


We are always looking for volunteers to help us with our work, whether as chaplains, medical/mental health practitioners, educators, advocates, family workers or call-handlers for our helpline. For the latter three roles, we offer training, so no prior experience is needed if you are a good fit.


Please do get in touch if you are a company interested in supporting us. Any donations provided may yield a corporation tax break.